Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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Full Stack Business Process Automation Company
we are making business process automation easy, fast, secure and profitable
Processes Diagnostics
Background and/or open data collection, analysis and recommendations.
Strategic Planning
From Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values, to Balanced Scorecards.
Processes Design
Processes "as it should be" design and testing in the Business Process Management system (BPM)
Processes Integration
● Process testing environment
● BPM system connection
● Change management support and employee engagement
Processes Robotization
● Robot design in robotics process automation system (RPA)
● Robots testing and debugging
Environment for Robots Processing
Creating and scaling "working places" for robots and humans
Processes Performance Management
Processes "bottlenecks" identification and improvement
you will
Business processes convert resources into profitability. The competitiveness and profitability of a company depends on business process effectiveness. To ensure continued efficiency you must describe processes 'as is' and understand what is going on inside.
Get to know what's going on
Create, manage, control and adjust
Avoid the negative aspects of the 'human factor'
Validate what's going on
The need
Solution from Fuspac
Why Fuspac?
Get to know quickly, effectively and objectively what is going on in a business processes by looking at its current state.
Powerful process mining for an attractive price, along with the ability to discover business processes with a barely perceptible digital footprint or those that involve non-digital operations.
All described processes can be executed in our Business Process Management System, which ensures control over process speed and efficiency.
The need
Solution from Fuspac
Why Fuspac?
Control the transformation of resources into business value and profit. Get the ability to manage and improve this transformation process when you need it.
Accessible way to efficient business process creation and management. Easy and simple start even with just one process. Instant ability to scale infinitely to processes with a great deal of complexity. It is also a perfect co-creation environment for business processes as it involves all stakeholders. Process mining increases process relevance and efficiency while decreasing time for creation.
In the modern world, the speed at which things are changing is causing increasing uncertainty. To remain profitable and competitive, corporations have to adjust, upgrade and create new business models. Business processes are mapped to ensure efficiency of business idea execution. For this reason, they need to be constantly monitored and modified.
The need
Solution from Fuspac
Why Fuspac?
Do not fail a promising business idea with substandard execution. Make sure that a new or renewed business process provides the best and most efficient value possible for business delivery.
Quick and efficient modeling, testing and adjusting of business processes, with relevant business process stakeholder participation in real life conditions. In addition, there is the possibility to validate business processes performed by employees both as digital processes, and actions physically outside of IT systems.
Transparent, manageable and clear processes demonstrate why automation can be the best choice for your business.
The need
Solution from Fuspac
Why Fuspac?
Decrease risks, improve quality, increase speed and reduce costs by avoiding the negative sides of the 'human factor' where possible, leaving you with a maximum ROI.
Our solutions overcome existing technological and commercial barriers for process automation. It allows businesses to receive value from automation and robotization where it was not previously financially available, technologically feasible or possible due to security restrictions.
Process Automation and Robotization Suite
A set of services that allows you to overcome economic and technical limitations for automation. So you can very flexibly and quickly automate and robotize business processes where it was never accessible before.
Process Mining Suite
Discover any, even non digitalized business processes or processes not suitable for other automated process mining due to insufficient process data structuring. Unlike many other process mining solutions Process Mining Suit from Fuspac deliver not only process 'as is' but include also process prototyping, testing and optimization stages.
Process Validation Suite
Design, test and perfect business processes for a new customer journey, service models or any other activity which requires an excellent business process at the backend. Result – a process that is ready to scale, integrate or automate without requiring any transfers or export elsewhere.
Process Management Suite
Affordable and effective, powerful and accessible business process management suite. Ensure control over your processes starting from one and scaling to any level of complexity. Design processes securely in collaboration with all important stakeholders, including external experts.
Significantly decrees cost of business process automation and robotization
Business processes automation and robotization is booming and advantages of it are well known. But entering barriers and high total cost of ownership are making business processes automation inaccessible in many cases. This is relevant first of all for global corporations which have many market-specific business processes (especially in developing markets affiliates). This is also true for growing companies with yet low scale and weak business case for processes robotization.

Automation solutions form Fuspac are rapidly deployable and cost effective. For example our robots, unlike other solutions on the market, are autonomous. It allows to save your money on expensive execution agents (our robots do not need them).

If you already have an RPA or other automation solution, there is no need to replace it – we can work in harmony with it, creating complimentary value where you existing solutions are not possible or not rational to implement.
Discover business processes where conventional process mining is helpless
Existing automatic process mining solutions are expensive and extremely sensitive to business process data quality. They are helpless with imperfectly structured data. Business processes performed in physical worlds without IT systems engagement remaining invisible for such a tools ether.
With Process Mining Suite from Fuspac there is no such limitations. You can easily discover any, even non digital process. Our approach also enable to save time and resources needed for transferring process discovered to execution environment.
Our Process Mining Suite is enabling processes mining where it was not accessible before and opening new business opportunities with your existing clients as well as with unattainable so far.
Validate business processes for new customer journey or service map fast, cheap and easy
Modern world is changing unpredictably with growing speed. It requires businesses to experiment actively with their business models as a whole or individual parts of it. When you have an idea of new customer journey or service model or any other side of the business you what to make sure that this idea will be backed up with best possible business process. And if you do not have reliable mechanism of fast and cheap testing and adjusting of such a business processes, you will not be able to say if your idea failed or win because of it logic or due to bad execution.

Such a process can be rapidly validated with Process Validation Suit by Fuspac. So, value of your business solution can be immediately proved. It is strengthening your expertise, value created for client and open new business opportunities with existing and new clients.

Process validation can be performed by real process participants in real business situation. Our solution allows to evaluate as digital as well as non-digitally performed processes. You do not need to waste extra time and resources for transferring of the process validated to permanent process execution environment - it is already there!

Our Process Validation Suite is opening new business opportunities for you, ensure higher speed to market and strengthen your competitiveness.
Rapid Deployment and Cost Effective Ownership
Our customer receives specially selected, supper advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business inelegance, project management, API connection and remote work, packed in Fuspac Rapid Deployment and cost effective approach where we united all advantages of SaaS and On-Premise format. Including but not limited with:
  • Extremely fast start (no install, ready to use, plug and play)
  • Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
  • Secure and corporate/regulatory compline. You to decide where you data and software operating with it will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premise or all together
  • Super-accessible (Web based, mobile adaptive)
  • Flexible collaboration (friendly for intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)
value we created
+1 (347) 502 28 48
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