Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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BPM Process Analytics
the problem we address
a lack of objective information about process performance
even when business processes are digitalized and automated, it is still sometimes hard to say where there are areas for further improvement, deeper automation, integration or robotization.
the solution
end-to-end process automation monitoring and reporting
- Monitor BPM system and external process automation activities.
- Get detailed reports so you can answer the most important questions for your team.
- See where end-to-end processes are running smoothly or hitting bottlenecks with BPM Heatmaps.
- Improve process analysis and identify slow branches.
- Build custom dashboards and alerts to stay on top of current activities.
what you get
a deep-analysis and visualized business processes
Get a clear process performance picture with each process element color-coded, demonstrating 'hot' and 'cold ' process zones. Complimentary to visualization, all analysis is backed up with detailed process performance data.
This approach allows you to manage your processes efficiently and prioritize optimization, automation and robotization opportunities.
Web dedicated Fuspac Cloud
Our BPM Process Analytics service is provided through a web server hosted on our cloud. Every deployment is exclusively dedicated for each client, so there are no risks of data losses or anything being crossed with other companies.
Ultimate process analytics capabilities
Process Automation Monitoring - supports continuous process and decision table improvement by providing transparency into your automated workflows and decisions. Business-friendly reports and dashboards as well as alerts help you to identify process bottlenecks and improve your overall end-to-end process.
Reports - your business stakeholders can easily create and customize insightful reports. For example, they can display the number of process instances grouped by days, the duration of process instances by hour. Reports can be shared with others to provide up to date information to your stakeholders. You can also export your report data as CSV files in order to open them in tools like Microsoft Excel.
Powerful Filters - conveniently filter the process instances and decision evaluations you want to include in your reports. For example, you can specifically look at process instances that:
  • are currently running, have been completed or (not) cancelled.
  • started or ended in a defined time span, let it be absolute or relative such as the past 7 days or 24 hours.
  • took more than a specific cycle time to complete which allows you to identify low performance.
  • contain variables with specific values which you can conveniently select in the filter field.
  • consist of specific steps which have been executed so that you focus your report on certain process variants
BPMN is the common language for business and IT and the perfect instrument for analyzing process data. You can use BPMN heatmaps to discover process steps that are frequently executed or were significantly slow to complete which provides you a shortcut to identify bottlenecks in process performance. In combination with filters, this will help you to understand the circumstances under which low performance occurs and therefore point you to the respective root causes.
Arrange your reports in dashboards to provide a quick overview. If you like, you can even add external reports to your dashboard. You can create as many dashboards as you like to easily share the right information with different stakeholders.
Like reports, dashboards can be shared with others and you can embed a dashboard in other websites to provide up to date information to your stakeholders.
If your stakeholders need to be informed immediately once certain thresholds are reached, you can set up alerts based on reports.
For example, you could define a report that counts the number of process instances that were started in the past 24 hours but are not yet completed. Then you could define an alert which will check every minute if this number is above a defined threshold, let's say 100 instances. In this case, the alert will trigger an email to the specified recipient, potentially reminding them in defined intervals and sending a fix notification once the the number has dropped below the defined threshold.
Analyze Process Variants
How do certain variants in your process impact the business results? You can find out with the branch analysis by selecting a process end event and a process gateway. We will then tell you the statistical probability of reaching the respective end event when taking a specific gateway branch.
In this example, we are looking at incoming job applications. Some are assigned automatically to a hiring manager, in other cases the assignment happens manually. This variant is visualized by a gateway (diamond shape) and two outgoing branches. Unfortunately, job candidates sometimes change their mind and cancel their application as visualized by the interrupting event subprocess. In this example, this happened on average in 19.7% of the cases.
However, it tells us that the cancellation rate was around 24% when the assignment happened manually and it dropped to 18% when the candidate was automatically assigned! Apparently we should consider automatic assignments for all candidates, thereby speeding up the hiring process and reducing the risk of cancellations.
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value we add
speed of deployment and value for money ownership
Our main value is in solution deployment speed and low Total Cost of Ownership.
As a complementary service, we can organize process monitoring so that you receive a notification from us when something is wrong with the process or an opportunity appears for improvement.
We also provide you with a wide range of our one-stop-shop business process automation and robotization services.
where it is in the Stack ?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business process automation journey, just follow our stack
BPM Process Analytics is part of the Process Performance Management stack stage
BPM Process Analytics can be provided as part of full-stack business process automation, a certain suite or together with the BPM Production Environment.
before your start
to be able to use our BPM Process Analytics service, make sure you have our BPM solution and have made proper integrations
To start safely analyzing your business process performance, you might want to organize secure and comfortable access integration for process participants, as well as integration with other companies' systems. We can assist you with this.
BPM Process Analytics can analyze processes that have already been performed in the BPM Production Environment.
BPM Production Environment
Start running your business processes in a secure and simple way and with more control than ever before.
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
System Integration
Complementary to tools and solutions, we provide a system integration service. These include tasks such as automatically adding or removing users from BPMs based on Active Directory data or any other integration service you require.

Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
Standard road map can look like this:
our clients can get process performance analyses on the SAME DAY that they reach out to us, if they are already running processes with our BPM Production Environment
contract and payment
contact us to clarify details
receive a report with dashboards, hot zones and detailed process performance data
get our professional services and recommendations on process improvements, automation, integration and robotization (separate service)
in advance, run processes with the BPM Production Environment (separate service)
For the delivery of all our services, we use our Project Management Server to collaborate with our clients, ensuring best results and quality of cooperation in joint project execution.
Project Management Server
Ready at the push of a button, fully-equipped project management environment that supports teams throughout a project's entire life cycle.
Used for cross-organizational interoperations and development management (customer, vendors, third party contractors etc.).
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
what's next?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of business process automation journey, just follow our Stack
Get familiar with our Full Stack and Rapid Deployment approach for project management, business intelligence, process mining, automation and robotization solution, as well as our professional services.
Thanks to BPM Process Analytics you know exactly where business processes have opportunities for further improvement, automation or robotization.
With our Business Intelligence Server, we can help you better analyze and visualize process performance data.
Our Business Process Design professional service is essential to process improvement and redesign.
Our RPA Consulting service answers questions about the automation potential of analyzed processes, including the best automation or robotization approach to be applied.
As a further step we can even create a robot for you.
Business Intelligence Server
Super well-equipped, user-friendly and secure Business Intelligence environment that operates around-the-clock. With this product, your data is quickly organized, analyzed and visualized at all levels in a simple and reliable way.
Our BI solution significantly extends your business processes' intelligence capabilities. It moves your data-driven decision-making quality to the next level, giving you the opportunity to analyze not only pure process metrics but also resources and data circulating inside of the process.
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
Full Stack
Full Stack is our biggest and all-inclusive suite. It unites dozens of recommended tools and professional services that are needed for 360° coverage of all business process-related questions, including, but not limited to: process understanding, management, automation and robotization, and performance analysis and improvement.
Business Processes Design
Designed, tested and ready-to-run business process directly in the BPM system.
Digital process functionality can involve simple actions like sending notifications to executives, but can be complex and include the automated management of other systems, process, or robots.

Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
RPA Consulting
Professional advice and recommendations regarding best-fit automation solution selection. Through our consulting, you can understand whether your business requires a robot solution or another automation tool.

Can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
Robots Creation
We can design and test robots according to your business needs and technical task. The finished product will be ready to be converted into an autonomous robot and executed in any Windows environment.

Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
Rapid Deployment and Cost-Effective Ownership
Receive specially selected, advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business intelligence, project management, API connection and remote work. With Fuspac's Rapid Deployment and cost-effective approach, we bring all the advantages of SaaS and On-premises formats, including but not limited to:
• Immediate start (no installation and ready to use straight-away, plug and play)
• Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
• Secure and corporate regulatory compliance. You decide where your data and operating software will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premises or altogether
• Super-accessible (web-based, mobile adaptive)
• Flexible collaboration (intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)
value for professional partners
proactive value creation and new business opportunities
information about actual business process performance means you can justify and strengthen you case for specific business improvements. Such an approach creates new opportunities for business development and strengthens the relationship with your clients.
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