Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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External API Connectors Server
the problem we address
losses related to business continuity and business process related interruptions
In the modern world, to keep development momentum and remain competitive, we have to use a growing number of external services like payment gateways, social media and messengers. These external services often change their interfaces, API settings and logic according to internal business decisions, which can be an unpleasant surprise to service users. When external services undergo these changes, it can cause business interruptions and losses if your internal systems are directly connected to them.
the solution
dedicated external services connector (orchestrator)
This solution plays the role of a corporate agent, protecting companies' business processes from interruptions driven by changes in one or more external services. It orchestrates external services' connection keys and settings. Operating with data connectors means you can better control access to sensitive information used by external services. This is extremely useful when dealing with something like users' personal data.
what you get
your business continuity and data protected from potential threats through external services
Businesses get the ability to collaborate safely with external services in a controllable and adjustable way. The connector can break sensitive information into parts, using only what is relevant to the particular service. This approach with personal data maximizes privacy and minimizes personal data leakage. Companies can retain sensitive data without experiencing business interruptions if there is a problem with one of the external services used. You can adjust different service connection settings to keep working with other services, without interruption of your overall business processes.
web application (on-premises or cloud based)
Our External API Connectors Server can be delivered in one of the following formats:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service
* Any cloud provider supported
where it is in the Stack ?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business process automation journey, just follow our stack
The External API Connectors Server
is part of the Process Integration stack element
The External API Connector service, like all of our other services, can be provided as part of full-stack business process automation, as well as a standalone service.
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before your start
make sure you have business processes managed by a BPM system
A connector is generally activated from a BPM system by one of the business process elements procedures. Therefore, a BPM Production Environment is needed to use and control a connector.
To design a business process map you can use our collaborative BPM Shared Development Environment.
For the delivery of all our services we use our Project Management Server to collaborate with our clients, ensuring best results and quality of cooperation in joint project execution.
Project Management Server
Ready at the push of a button, fully-equipped project management environment that supports teams throughout a project's entire life cycle.
Used for cross-organizational interoperations and development management (customer, vendors, third party contractors etc.).
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
BPM Production Environment
Start running your business processes in a secure and simple way and with more control than ever before.
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
BPM Shared Development
Environment based on Camunda shared process modeling and simulation tools - ready for collective process design.
Can be delivered from the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service.

Trial and free demo are available.
what's next?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
We have dozens of scenarios ready, but if your business task requires a unique one - we are ready to develop it for you.
Get familiar with our Full Stack and Rapid Deployment approach for project management, business intelligence, process mining, automation and robotization solution, as well as our professional services.
Rapid Deployment and Cost-Effective Ownership
Receive specially selected, advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business intelligence, project management, API connection and remote work. With Fuspac's Rapid Deployment and cost-effective approach, we bring all the advantages of SaaS and On-premises formats, including but not limited to:
• Immediate start (no installation and ready to use straight-away, plug and play)
• Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
• Secure and corporate regulatory compliance. You decide where your data and operating software will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premises or altogether
• Super-accessible (web-based, mobile adaptive)
• Flexible collaboration (intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)
Full Stack
Full Stack is our biggest and all-inclusive suite. It unites dozens of recommended tools and professional services that are needed for 360° coverage of all business process-related questions, including, but not limited to: process understanding, management, automation and robotization, and performance analysis and improvement.
Custom Development
Digital tailor-made solutions for unique business challenges. If there is a technical feasibility and business viability in a proposed solution - we will find a way to build and deliver it!
Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
value for professional partners
provide professional support when dealing with clients' business continuity
The ability to foresee, propose and deliver this specialized solution will strengthen your professional reputation and positively influence the development of client relationships.
demo and trial
demo and trial are not available

Each connector is a personalized solution, so demonstration or trial is not available. However, please take a look at our other solutions.
+1 (347) 502 28 48