Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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Organizational Change Management Support
the problem we address
employees tend to reject changes related to digitalization, automation and robotization
"Employees are worried that their jobs will be displaced by automation" - this statement is among the TOP feedback in two-thirds of organizations implementing business process automation. No wonder that getting employees to embrace digitalization is becoming a priority.
the solution
support for the planning and execution of employee engagement program
We have deep practical experience in providing support for transformation programs in big corporations. Such support includes but is not limited to education, training, engagement events and internal communications. Components and scale of the support program are defined on a per-company bases.
what you get
employee support for digital transformation
employee engagement is a very complex aspect of corporate culture, so our strategy depends on your company's unique situation. In an organization with a healthy corporate culture, we help to turn employees into change agents and catalysts for further digitalization and automation.
Get familiar with our Full Stack, Rapid Deployment approach for process robotization solutions and see our other process automation SaaS, PaaS and Professional Services
Full Stack
Full Stack is our biggest and all-inclusive suite. It unites dozens of recommended tools and professional services that are needed for 360° coverage of all business process-related questions, including, but not limited to: process understanding, management, automation and robotization, and performance analysis and improvement.
+1 (347) 502 28 48
Process Mining Suite
Discover any, even non digitalized business processes or processes not suitable for other automated process mining due to insufficient process data structuring. Unlike many other process mining solutions Process Mining Suit from Fuspac deliver not only process 'as is' but include also process prototyping, testing and optimization stages.
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Rapid Deployment and Cost-Effective Ownership
Receive specially selected, advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business intelligence, project management, API connection and remote work. With Fuspac's Rapid Deployment and cost-effective approach, we bring all the advantages of SaaS and On-premises formats, including but not limited to:
• Immediate start (no installation and ready to use straight-away, plug and play)
• Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
• Secure and corporate regulatory compliance. You decide where your data and operating software will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premises or altogether
• Super-accessible (web-based, mobile adaptive)
• Flexible collaboration (intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)