Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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Documents Comparison Service
the problem we address
wasted time when comparing technical documents
Comparing two documents can be frustrating. Imagine a typical situation such as a contract signing - there is a final version of the printed contract you want to sign, but how can you check whether all your changes have been included? Some people remember the changes and scan the contract to make sure that everything is ok. If you are a corporate lawyer, CEO or controller, work in procurement, finance or another profession that frequently deals with contracts, this technical procedure can cause a lot of wasted time which you could be using to dedicate to activities that add greater value to your business.
the solution
the document comparison service
With this service, all you have to do is take two versions of your document and press the 'compare' button. Almost instantly, you will see all the differences, clearly marked, straight in the document.
If you are dealing with a printed or scanned document, you might want to use our Document Understanding Service prior to the comparison.

This web application allows you to compare DOCX, PPT, XLS and over 90 other document formats. Compare two or more files, perform style and text comparison and generate a detailed report with changes. It can be used as a standalone application or integrated as part of your project.

Detailed features list:

• Document comparison
• Multi-comparison of several documents
• Password protected document comparison
• Document upload
• Clear display of visible differences
• Downloadable comparison results
• Printable comparison results
• Smooth document scrolling
• Fully customizable navigation panel
• Multi-language support for displaying messages
• Responsive, clean, modern and intuitive design
• Mobile support (open application on any mobile device)
• Cross-browser support (Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox)
• Cross-platform support (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
    Dedicated Fuspac Cloud or web dedicated Fuspac Cloud
    The Document Comparison service can be provided on the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud or as a web server hosted in our cloud. Each deployment is dedicated exclusively for the client, so there are no risks of data losses or things getting crossed with other companies.
    what you get
    saved time and less risk
    You need only seconds, not minutes or hours, to compare document versions and view their differences.
    value we add
    speed of deployment and value for money ownership
    Our main value is in solution deployment speed and low Total Cost of Ownership.
    We can speedily fine-tune the Document Comparison service to your specific needs.
    Our solution even performs well with multilingual documents. When documents languages are mixed, the data you receive is still correctly understood and compared.
    As a complementary service, we can organize all kinds of further integrations, data processing automations and robotization.
    Rapid Deployment and Cost-Effective Ownership
    Receive specially selected, advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business intelligence, project management, API connection and remote work. With Fuspac's Rapid Deployment and cost-effective approach, we bring all the advantages of SaaS and On-premises formats, including but not limited to:
    • Immediate start (no installation and ready to use straight-away, plug and play)
    • Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
    • Secure and corporate regulatory compliance. You decide where your data and operating software will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premises or altogether
    • Super-accessible (web-based, mobile adaptive)
    • Flexible collaboration (intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)
    where it is in the Stack ?
    we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
    The Document Comparison service is most relevant for the Process Robotization part of the stack
    Document Comparison is an independent solution, and like many other of our services, can be provided as part of full-stack business process automation, a certain suite or as a standalone service.
    Standard road map can look like this:
    our clients receiving instant access to the Document Comparison Service
    start comparing your documents
    contract and payment
    we can connect the Document Understanding Service to your IT systems and business processes (separate service)
    you might want to utilize our Document Understanding Service to compare document scans and pictures (separate service)
    For the delivery of all our services we use our Project Management Server to collaborate with our clients, ensuring best results and quality of cooperation in joint project execution.
    Project Management Server
    Ready at the push of a button, fully-equipped project management environment that supports teams throughout a project's entire life cycle.
    Used for cross-organizational interoperations and development management (customer, vendors, third party contractors etc.).
    Can be delivered:
    - On-premises as an internal or external web service
    - To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
    - From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

    * Any cloud provider supported

    Trial and free demo are available.
    before your start
    prior system integrations and custom developments can make usage of the Document Comparison Service more comfortable
    If you want to set-up automatic document inflow and outflow with a specific focus on recognition and understanding, we are ready to assist you with this, as well as with other integrations and custom developments.
    Document Understanding Service might be needed prior to Document Comparison Service usage.
    System Integration
    Complementary to tools and solutions, we provide a system integration service. These include tasks such as automatically adding or removing users from BPMs based on Active Directory data or any other integration service you require.

    Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
    Documents Understanding Service
    A cognitive OCR service that turns document pictures into digitally recognized, understood and structured information that is ready for further transfer to any other system or registry.

    Can be delivered:
    - from the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service
    - from the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as ready for system integration software

    Free demo is available
    what's next?
    we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
    The result of document comparison can be used for many other operations (integration, processing, supply) including automated or robotic ones. To make it happen, consider our RPA Consulting, Robot Creation and Custom Development services.
    Get familiar with our Full Stack and Rapid Deployment approach for project management, business intelligence, process mining, automation and robotization solution, as well as our professional services.
    RPA Consulting
    Professional advice and recommendations regarding best-fit automation solution selection. Through our consulting, you can understand whether your business requires a robot solution or another automation tool.

    Can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
    Robots Creation
    We can design and test robots according to your business needs and technical task. The finished product will be ready to be converted into an autonomous robot and executed in any Windows environment.

    Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
    Full Stack
    Full Stack is our biggest and all-inclusive suite. It unites dozens of recommended tools and professional services that are needed for 360° coverage of all business process-related questions, including, but not limited to: process understanding, management, automation and robotization, and performance analysis and improvement.
    Custom Development
    Digital tailor-made solutions for unique business challenges. If there is a technical feasibility and business viability in a proposed solution - we will find a way to build and deliver it!
    Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
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    value for professional partners
    better quality and higher speed for a lower cost
    If you frequently work with client documents in places such as law or audit firms, you can significantly increase speed, improve quality and decrease your costs by applying our Document Comparison Service to your projects.
    demo and trial
    trial and free live demo are available
    Contact us to order demo or trial.
    +1 (347) 502 28 48
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