Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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Processes Diagnostics Server
the problem we address
complicated start, slow, long and expensive process analysis with inaccurate data
Traditionally, process analysis (expert observation or interview) is exceptionally long and expensive when conducted on a big scale. It is valuable only as a complementary, rather than primary source of information if the reliability is proven to be low.
The main reason for low reliability is human behavior. When employees are openly observed, they tend to perform processes as they are told to or as they have been formally instructed. In real life, people find and use their own methods to do a task; the only way to discover this is through hidden observation with automatic process performance data capturing and structuring.
the solution
fast and affordable automatic process data capturing business application
Our Process Diagnostics Server allows businesses to automatically collect and record in background mode information about processes performed on the computers of employees. Business rather than process data is collected (systems launched, functions used, files opened, operations performed). Every action is captured, backed up and accompanied with a video recording of the screen the user is working on. All information that is collected remains in your corporate infrastructure.
what you get
objective, structured data backed up with screen records
Take advantage of dashboards and data sets, with all details about systems and functions usage. Examine videos associated with the actions of process participants. Design a process flow based on the captured information.
flexible, fast and secure
The Process Diagnostics Server can be delivered:
- On-premises as software or virtual machine
- To private* Cloud as software or virtual machine
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud
* Any cloud provider supported
This guarantees speed of deployment, performance and data safety.
Processes Diagnostics Server features
• Processes Diagnostics Server recognizes the session and associates it with a specific user. As soon as a user starts a session (using any connection protocol), the Processes Diagnostics Server determines his exact user ID.

• During the session, all user actions that cause changes on the screen are recorded as a sequence of screenshots, and can later be viewed in video format. It is important that only frames of direct changes on the screen are recorded. An information security operator does not need to spend tedious hours watching an employee's entire working day minute by minute.

• In parallel, detailed textual metadata logs are maintained for any application, resource, or CLI command that the user has used. Unlike regular system logs, Processes Diagnostics Server logs show exactly what the user was doing (and not just basic actions). Information includes data about files being opened, windows, and user interface activity. All data is supported by video evidence, good evidence in the courts.

• Detailed reports display all activities, with links to video. A well-thought-out interface for working with the archive makes it easy to find a record of actions by time interval, user, application, nature of actions.

• The standard method of use requires the installation of an agent program on each scanned computer. The installed Agent on each workstation records all activity and transmits video / log-log to the management server. The lightweight Processes Diagnostics Server agent has no performance impact and collects only 100 MB per week.
value we add
speed of deployment and value for money ownership
Our main value is in solution deployment speed and low Total Cost of Ownership.
We also provide you with a wide range of our one-stop-shop business processes automation and robotization services.

Rapid Deployment and Cost-Effective Ownership
Receive specially selected, advanced solutions for business process automation and robotization, business intelligence, project management, API connection and remote work. With Fuspac's Rapid Deployment and cost-effective approach, we bring all the advantages of SaaS and On-premises formats, including but not limited to:
• Immediate start (no installation and ready to use straight-away, plug and play)
• Value for money pricing and lower TCO (total cost of ownership) ensuring better ROI
• Secure and corporate regulatory compliance. You decide where your data and operating software will be based – cloud, private cloud, on-premises or altogether
• Super-accessible (web-based, mobile adaptive)
• Flexible collaboration (intercompany as well as third-party co-creation and execution)
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where it is in the Stack ?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
The Process Diagnostics Server is applied at the Process Diagnostics stage of the stack
The Process Diagnostics Server can be provided as part of full-stack business process automation, a certain suite or as a standalone solution.
before your started
Process Diagnostics require proper integrations to do the job
Integration to company infrastructure, as well as the installation of server agents to workstations will enable secure and accurate data collection and further analysis.
System Integration
Complementary to tools and solutions, we provide a system integration service. These include tasks such as automatically adding or removing users from BPMs based on Active Directory data or any other integration service you require.

Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
Standard road map can look like this:
our clients can start process data collection on the SAME DAY they reach out to us
contact us to clarify details
contract and payment
receive a ready to use virtual machine with Processes Diagnostics Server. Connect it yourself or with our support
install agents of Processes Diagnostics Server on computers of process users
collected data is ready for interpretation by your or our specialist
analyze and describe processes with data driven optimization, improvement and automation insights
the process usually runs from 1 to 3 weeks
For the delivery of all our services we use our Project Management Server to collaborate with our clients, ensuring best results and quality of cooperation in joint project execution.
Project Management Server
Ready at the push of a button, fully-equipped project management environment that supports teams throughout a project's entire life cycle.
Used for cross-organizational interoperations and development management (customer, vendors, third party contractors etc.).
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as an internal or external web service
- To private* cloud as an internal or external web service
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
what's next?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
When you know how your business process actually works, you can design them and test their performance with our BPM Shared Development service. It has set functionality and tools so you can start designing collaborative processes immediately. It gives you speedy process automation deployment, compliance and regulatory-friendly security. Best of all, it has a very attractive price.
If you want to make sure that your business processes are actually contributing to your strategic targets, we can conduct a Strategic Session for you. We help to define or actualize your business purpose, vision, mission, values, strategies and key projects and processes (up to balanced score cards).
The Process Discovery Interview will give you important insights about process. We recommend it as must for all process understanding activities.
Data collected by the Process Diagnostics Server allows for important input for automation and robotization solution selection. It also opens opportunities for conscious RPA development.
RPA Development Environment
Start the shared modeling, creation and updating of your robots in a secure and simple way, and faster than ever before.
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as software
- To private* cloud as a software
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as software

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
RPA Consulting
Professional advice and recommendations regarding best-fit automation solution selection. Through our consulting, you can understand whether your business requires a robot solution or another automation tool.

Can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
BPM Shared Development
Environment based on Camunda shared process modeling and simulation tools - ready for collective process design.
Can be delivered from the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service.

Trial and free demo are available.
Process Discovery Interview
The process discovery interview with stakeholders involves capturing all aspects of a process through a performance demonstration. Perfect for businesses that want to understand all critical elements, including those that involve process suppliers, customers and contributors. The process discovery interview captures minute details including data formats circulated in the process.

Can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
Strategic Session
Specially facilitated session where participants (usually management) can discuss and reach a consensus regarding company goals, priorities and strategies. This is usually a 3-day meeting with some preliminary preparation in the weeks beforehand. The meeting is hosted by a professional facilitator at the request of the company's top management.
Can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
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value for professional partners
more credibility and better quality
If you are providing business process analysis, design or optimization services, you can significantly increase the value created for your clients by describing processes as they REALLY are and comparing them with how you want them to be. This is thanks to automated real-life capturing and fact-based data-driven analysis.
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demo and trial
trial and free live demo are available
Contact us to order demo or trial.
+1 (347) 502 28 48
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