Remote Work Productivity Suite
Everything you need for monitoring remote work productivity. Regardless of how it is organized in your company (RDS, VDI, WEB applications, etc.), or which operating systems your employees are using (Mac, Linux, Windows), this Suite guarantees quality of monitoring and analysis of remote work performance.
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Strategic Session
the problem we address
'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - Lewis Carroll

It is very hard to judge, prioritize, analyze, evaluate or optimize business processes if you do not have a clear strategic target architecture. When there are clear business purpose, vision, mission and values, a company can more readily achieve targets with certain strategies, which are delivered through clear processes and projects. When there is no such strategic architecture, it is not possible to distribute resources properly among projects and processes, set and control KPIs, or easily identify and address the root causes of any issues.
the solution
strategic session
Be part of a specially facilitated session where participants (usually management) can reach a consensus regarding the company's goals, priorities and strategies. This is usually a three-day meeting with a preliminarily few weeks preparation. This meeting is hosted by a professional facilitator on request of a company's top management.
what you get
road map leading to the attainment of strategic objectives
Receive a plan of activities, projects and processes needed to bring strategies to life, including but not limited to high level processes and KPIs. Among other benefits, you will get answers to questions about which processes must be kept (and audited), changed, removed or created.
Complementary to the strategic roadmap and action plan you might also get strategy deployment documents as an X-Matrix and balanced score cards.
where it is in the Stack ?
we have value-adding solutions for each stage of your business' process automation journey, just follow our stack
The Strategic Session is part of the Strategic Planning stack element
what's next?
design, improve, automate, robotize and control your business processes, knowing where they are supposed to lead
Having strategic priorities mapped out means you can dive deeper into business process plans and adjustments. You can have measurable markers for process performance results, indicators and criteria such as speed, expected outcome characteristics, resources used and so on.
From this step you can move straight to designing business processes with all key process stakeholders using our rapidly deployable BPM Shared Development service.
Get familiar with our Full Stack business Process Automation and all our Services.
To ensure proper deployment of the 'to be' process, you need to know the process 'as is'. Our Process Diagnostics Server will help you with automated process capturing.
If you need help in the creation of an executable business process in a BPM Production Environment, check out our Business Process Design service.
+1 (347) 502 28 48
BPM Shared Development
Environment based on Camunda shared process modeling and simulation tools - ready for collective process design.
Can be delivered from the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as an internal or external web service.

Trial and free demo are available.
Full Stack
Full Stack is our biggest and all-inclusive suite. It unites dozens of recommended tools and professional services that are needed for 360° coverage of all business process-related questions, including, but not limited to: process understanding, management, automation and robotization, and performance analysis and improvement.
Processes Diagnostics Server
Capture the processes that participants use when completing tasks 'as is', in hidden and automated mode with structured data reporting and infographics.
Can be delivered:
- On-premises as software
- To private* cloud as a software
- From the Fuspac Dedicated Cloud as software

* Any cloud provider supported

Trial and free demo are available.
Business Processes Design
Designed, tested and ready-to-run business process directly in the BPM system.
Digital process functionality can involve simple actions like sending notifications to executives, but can be complex and include the automated management of other systems, process, or robots.

Collaboration can be performed on-line with our secure and confidential video conferencing environment.
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